Aug 14, 2013

Edit a paper with LNCS format in Latex

Some paper may require LNCS format. You can download the package from Here I use and the sample file

You can import your latex file into the sample file "typeinst.tex". Notice that if your figures include subfigure, you need to add three packages:


If it has some equations, add:


If it includes algorithm, add:


Then, copy two files "llncs.cls" and "splncs.bst" (can also choose "splncs_srt.bst" or "splncs03.bst") from llncs2e folder to typeinst.

If the paper has some references generated by XXXX.bib file, then at the end of the paper, add:


After finish the editing, we just follow the previous tutorial ( to compile the latex file.