Aug 14, 2013

Edit a paper with LNCS format in Latex

Some paper may require LNCS format. You can download the package from Here I use and the sample file

You can import your latex file into the sample file "typeinst.tex". Notice that if your figures include subfigure, you need to add three packages:


If it has some equations, add:


If it includes algorithm, add:


Then, copy two files "llncs.cls" and "splncs.bst" (can also choose "splncs_srt.bst" or "splncs03.bst") from llncs2e folder to typeinst.

If the paper has some references generated by XXXX.bib file, then at the end of the paper, add:


After finish the editing, we just follow the previous tutorial ( to compile the latex file.

Aug 13, 2013

Compile the latex file with eps figures

Sometimes we are required to use eps figures instead of pdf ones in the latex file. Here we show a method to compile your latex file by command line. Before this, please make sure you have installed latex editor.
1) Go to the directory which includes XXX.tex

2) type "latex XXX.tex" and we will see a XXX.dvi file is generated

3) then, type "dvips XXX.dvi" and a file is created

4) type "ps2pdf" and the PDF file is created

This pdf file will display the eps figures properly.